Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Racism in our Schools - It's a government thing

I came home yesterday to find a letter from the school where my 5 year old daughter attends. The gist of the letter is to determine what my family's race and ethnicity is as part of the Gwinnett County requirements mandated by either the state of Georgia or Federal Government.

I was pretty disturbed to say the least. Why, you may ask. Well, I don't believe in Races. I have not found any grounds for there being different "Races" of people. Sure there are people who are part of different cultural groups, or even ethnic groups. My wife's parents were born in China. I certainly understand that culturally there is a difference. I was born in Alabama. My line of Maguire's come from Ireland. Where they were before that, only God and some very talented historians know (the latter group I have probably given too much credit).  

First, a Race, defined by the 1828 Webster Dictionary is "The lineage of a family, or continued series of descendants from a parent who is called the stock. A race is the series of descendants indefinitely."

Second, as a Christian, I believe with all my heart and my mind (yes, Christians can be intellectuals, in fact, I'm not sure you can be a Christian and not be intellectual), that God created man. If you read through the Old Testament Genesis account, you find that God created one man and one woman. After that creation of man, the Bible never declares another human being was made by him. So we are all descendents of one man and one woman. Go ahead, you guys who know some Bible, and throw in the flood. Then one could say that we are all descendents of Adam and Eve, yet more specifically we are all descendents of Noah, his wife, and his three sons - Shem, Ham and Japheth.  

According to research done by Steve Olson, Joseph Chang (Yale), and Douglas Rohde, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology neuroscientist and computer expert, they found that all descendents of humanity could be traced back to a single "family" or group. The dates line up, and you can find an article here (  

In short, I don't believe in different races of people, only the human race or the descendents of Adam/Noah. We certainly have differences, but for the government and people to propagate the thought that people come from different "stock" means that people are different. We are all part of the same "stock". Interesting that we want the division of people to end, yet we continue to be taught that we are different "races" of people.

Give it some thought.

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